Court Information

Court Details
Court's NameDistrict of Utah
Release NameNextGen CM/ECF Release 1.7 (Revision
ECF Go Live DateMay 1, 2005
Maximum PDF File Size50.0 MB
Maximum Merge Document Size100 MB
Threshold for Large Docket Sheet Warning (Entries)200
Case Number FormatO:YY-TY-#####-INI-RIN example: 2:24-cv-00827
RSS Feed
Docket entries of type: order,order-cr,motion
Last 24 hours' entries - Internet

Court Locations
Court's Name District of Utah
Court's Address 351 S. West Temple, Salt Lake City, UT 84101
Court's Phone Number (801) 524-6100
Court's Email Address
Court's Hours 8:30 am - 4:30 pm, M-F

Court Offices
4Southern Region

Pacer Details
Pacer's AddressPACER Service Center, P.O. Box 780549, San Antonio, TX 78278-0549
Pacer's Phone Number(800) 676-6856 or (210) 301-6440 if residing in the San Antonio area
Pacer's Email

Flag Definitions
(b)(3)28:636(b)(3) for plea (CR)
1983_PRPrisoner Civil Rights
2241Habeas 28:2241
2254State Habeas 2254
2255Motion to Vacate 28:2255
3582_CRACK_COCAINE18:3582 Retroactive Application of Sentencing Guidelines Crack Cocaine
ACCOAttorney Civil Case Opening
AMEND_821USSC Amendment 821
ASBESTOSAsbestos Case
BENNETTBennett Settlement Flag
CASREFCase referred
CJACJA Appointment
CK_JURISDICTIONCheck Jurisdiction
CLOSEDCase Closed
CONMAGTRLConsent to Trial Before Magistrate
CONSOLIDATEDConsolidated cases
COPYRIGHTCopyright Case
CR_ASSOCIATEDCriminal Associated Cases
CR_ST_GEORGECR Cases in the Southern Region Area
CVB_BIG_WATERCVB Cases in Big Water
CVB_FED_PROPERTYCVB Cases on Federal Property
CVB_HAFBCVB Cases on Hill Air Force Base
CVB_MOABCVB Cases in the Moab Area
CVB_MONTICELLOCVB Cases in the Monticello/Moab
CVB_ST_GEORGECVB Cases in the St George Area
CVB_TOOELE_DUGWAYCVB Cases in Tooele or Dugway
CVB_VACVB Cases at the VA Hospital
CVB_VERNALCVB Cases in Vernal Utah
DCAPPDistrict Court Appeal
DEATH_PENALTYDeath Penalty Case
DESTROYCase Files Destroyed
DRUG2Sentence Reduction Cases - USSC
DT_BENNETTDetention Judge-Bennett
DT_KOHLERDetention Judge - Kohler
DT_OBERGDetention Judge Oberg
DT_PEADDetention Judge - Pead
DT_ROMERODetention Judge Romero
DT_WELLSDetention Judge - Wells
EXPLOSExplosives Anti-Trust MDL Case
FAST_TRACKFast Track Cases - Criminal
FILING_RESTRICTIONSFiling Restrictions See Order
FIRST_STEP_ACTFirst Step Act Cases
FPDFederal Public Defender appointment
FRIVOLOUSFrivolous under 1915
FSA_COMP_RELEASEFirst Step Act Compasionate Release Flag
HABEASHabeas Corpus
HIGH_SENSITIVEHighly sensitive case
IFP_PENDINGIFP Pending - Sent to Magistrate for Review
IFP_SCREENIFP Screen (non-prisoner)
IMMIGRATIONImmigration Case
INTERLOC_APPEALInterlocutory Appeal
IRONIron County Jail
JOHNSONJohnson Cases
JURYJury Flag
JUVENILEJuvenile Flag
KOHLERKohler Settlement Flag
LC1District Law Clerk 1
LC2District Law Clerk 2
LC3District Law Clerk 3
LC4District Law Clerk 4
LC5District Law Clerk 5
LEAD_CASELead Case for Consolidation
LIMITED_APPEARANCEAttorney Limited Appearance
LOC_SGULocation of Holding Court - St George Utah
LOC_SLCLocation of Holding Court - Salt Lake City
MAGMagistrate referral
MAGAPPMagistrate Case Appeal
MAG_AVAILPending Availabiltity Magistrate Consent Case
MDL_1546MDL 1546 Cases
MDL_3102MDL 3102 Cases
MDL_OUTMDL Case Transfer Out
MEDICALMedical Treatment
MERGEDMerged with criminal case
MLC1Magistrate Law Clerk 1
MLC2Magistrate Law Clerk 2
MOTREFMotion referred
MYRIADMDL Case 14-2510
NOIPTNo IPT allowed
NO_DOCKETINGNo further docketing on this case
NUFFERJudge Nuffer transferred cases (Interim Chief Deputy)
OBERGOberg Settlement Flag
OBJMAGObjection to Magistrate Decision
OPEN_MJInitially Opened with Magistrate Judge Presider
PATENTPatent Case
PEADPead Settlement Flag
PEND_CONSENTPending Magistrate Consent Case
PHEN_FENPhen Fen Case
PLUPrisoner Litigation Unit
PROSEPro Se Case
PRO_SE_CONSENTPro Se Party Consenting to MJ Assignment
PSYCHPsychiatric Treatment
PURGPurgatory Correctional Facility
R&RReport & Recommendation
RAINBOWRainbow CR cases
REHAIFRehaif Case Flag
RESETReferred to RESET Post-Conviction Program
RESTRICTED_FILERRestricted Filer Case
RETAINEDRetained Counsel
RISEReferred to RISE program
RISE_BHReferred to RISE Behavioral Health Program
RISE_DReferred to RISE Drug Court Program
ROMEROSettlement Judge - Romero
RULE_20_INRule 20 In (CR)
RULE_20_OUTRule 20 Out (CR)
RULE_21_INRule 21 In (CR)
RULE_21_OUTRule 21 Out (CR)
SAMSam Settlement Flag
SEALEDCase Sealed
SETTLESettlement Conference Flag
SEVERED_DFTSevered Defendant
SMSpecial Master
STAYEDCase Stayed
SUP_CTUS Supreme Court
TCRC_AReferred to Tribal Reentry Court program - Aneth
TCRC_VReferred to Tribal Reentry Court program - Vernal
TRADEMARKTrademark Case
TRANS_INCivil Interdistrict Transfer In
TRANS_OUTCivil Interdistrict Transfer Out
UACTReferred to U-ACT Program
VET_COURTReferred to Veterans Court
WAIVER_NEEDEDNeed a Waiver of Indictment
WELLSWells Settlement Flag
WIRETAPSealed Miscellaneous Wiretap Case
WT2_NEEDEDWT-2 Form Needed in Sealed MC Case
XA_EXAMPsychiatric Exam CR

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