Court Information

Court Details
Court's NameDistrict of Utah
Release NameNextGen CM/ECF Release 1.8 (Revision 1.8.3)
ECF Go Live DateMay 1, 2005
Maximum PDF File Size50.0 MB
Maximum Merge Document Size100 MB
Threshold for Large Docket Sheet Warning (Entries)200
Case Number FormatO:YY-TY-#####-INI-RIN example: 4:25-cv-00011
RSS Feed
Docket entries of type: order,order-cr,motion
Last 24 hours' entries - Internet

Court Locations
Court's Name District of Utah
Court's Address 351 S. West Temple, Salt Lake City, UT 84101
Court's Phone Number (801) 524-6100
Court's Email Address
Court's Hours 8:30 am - 4:30 pm, M-F

Court Offices
4Southern Region

Pacer Details
Pacer's AddressPACER Service Center, P.O. Box 780549, San Antonio, TX 78278-0549
Pacer's Phone Number(800) 676-6856 or (210) 301-6440 if residing in the San Antonio area
Pacer's Email

Flag Definitions
(b)(3)28:636(b)(3) for plea (CR)
1983_PRPrisoner Civil Rights
2241Habeas 28:2241
2254State Habeas 2254
2255Motion to Vacate 28:2255
3582_CRACK_COCAINE18:3582 Retroactive Application of Sentencing Guidelines Crack Cocaine
ACCOAttorney Civil Case Opening
AMEND_821USSC Amendment 821
ASBESTOSAsbestos Case
BENNETTBennett Settlement Flag
CASREFCase referred
CJACJA Appointment
CK_JURISDICTIONCheck Jurisdiction
CLOSEDCase Closed
CONMAGTRLConsent to Trial Before Magistrate
CONSOLIDATEDConsolidated cases
COPYRIGHTCopyright Case
CR_ASSOCIATEDCriminal Associated Cases
CR_ST_GEORGECR Cases in the Southern Region Area
CVB_BIG_WATERCVB Cases in Big Water
CVB_FED_PROPERTYCVB Cases on Federal Property
CVB_HAFBCVB Cases on Hill Air Force Base
CVB_MOABCVB Cases in the Moab Area
CVB_MONTICELLOCVB Cases in the Monticello/Moab
CVB_ST_GEORGECVB Cases in the St George Area
CVB_TOOELE_DUGWAYCVB Cases in Tooele or Dugway
CVB_VACVB Cases at the VA Hospital
CVB_VERNALCVB Cases in Vernal Utah
DCAPPDistrict Court Appeal
DEATH_PENALTYDeath Penalty Case
DESTROYCase Files Destroyed
DRUG2Sentence Reduction Cases - USSC
DT_BENNETTDetention Judge-Bennett
DT_KOHLERDetention Judge - Kohler
DT_OBERGDetention Judge Oberg
DT_PEADDetention Judge - Pead
DT_ROMERODetention Judge Romero
DT_WELLSDetention Judge - Wells
EXPLOSExplosives Anti-Trust MDL Case
FAST_TRACKFast Track Cases - Criminal
FILING_RESTRICTIONSFiling Restrictions See Order
FIRST_STEP_ACTFirst Step Act Cases
FPDFederal Public Defender appointment
FRIVOLOUSFrivolous under 1915
FSA_COMP_RELEASEFirst Step Act Compasionate Release Flag
HABEASHabeas Corpus
HIGH_SENSITIVEHighly sensitive case
IFP_PENDINGIFP Pending - Sent to Magistrate for Review
IFP_SCREENIFP Screen (non-prisoner)
IMMIGRATIONImmigration Case
INTERLOC_APPEALInterlocutory Appeal
IRONIron County Jail
JOHNSONJohnson Cases
JURYJury Flag
JUVENILEJuvenile Flag
KOHLERKohler Settlement Flag
LC1District Law Clerk 1
LC2District Law Clerk 2
LC3District Law Clerk 3
LC4District Law Clerk 4
LC5District Law Clerk 5
LEAD_CASELead Case for Consolidation
LIMITED_APPEARANCEAttorney Limited Appearance
LOC_SGULocation of Holding Court - St George Utah
LOC_SLCLocation of Holding Court - Salt Lake City
MAGMagistrate referral
MAGAPPMagistrate Case Appeal
MAG_AVAILPending Availabiltity Magistrate Consent Case
MDL_1546MDL 1546 Cases
MDL_3102MDL 3102 Cases
MDL_OUTMDL Case Transfer Out
MEDICALMedical Treatment
MERGEDMerged with criminal case
MLC1Magistrate Law Clerk 1
MLC2Magistrate Law Clerk 2
MOTREFMotion referred
MYRIADMDL Case 14-2510
NOIPTNo IPT allowed
NO_DOCKETINGNo further docketing on this case
NUFFERJudge Nuffer transferred cases (Interim Chief Deputy)
OBERGOberg Settlement Flag
OBJMAGObjection to Magistrate Decision
OPEN_MJInitially Opened with Magistrate Judge Presider
PATENTPatent Case
PEADPead Settlement Flag
PEND_CONSENTPending Magistrate Consent Case
PHEN_FENPhen Fen Case
PLUPrisoner Litigation Unit
PROSEPro Se Case
PRO_SE_CONSENTPro Se Party Consenting to MJ Assignment
PSYCHPsychiatric Treatment
PURGPurgatory Correctional Facility
R&RReport & Recommendation
RAINBOWRainbow CR cases
REHAIFRehaif Case Flag
RESETReferred to RESET Post-Conviction Program
RESTRICTED_FILERRestricted Filer Case
RETAINEDRetained Counsel
RISEReferred to RISE program
RISE_BHReferred to RISE Behavioral Health Program
RISE_DReferred to RISE Drug Court Program
ROMEROSettlement Judge - Romero
RULE_20_INRule 20 In (CR)
RULE_20_OUTRule 20 Out (CR)
RULE_21_INRule 21 In (CR)
RULE_21_OUTRule 21 Out (CR)
SAMSam Settlement Flag
SEALEDCase Sealed
SETTLESettlement Conference Flag
SEVERED_DFTSevered Defendant
SMSpecial Master
STAYEDCase Stayed
SUP_CTUS Supreme Court
TCRC_AReferred to Tribal Reentry Court program - Aneth
TCRC_VReferred to Tribal Reentry Court program - Vernal
TRADEMARKTrademark Case
TRANS_INCivil Interdistrict Transfer In
TRANS_OUTCivil Interdistrict Transfer Out
UACTReferred to U-ACT Program
VET_COURTReferred to Veterans Court
WAIVER_NEEDEDNeed a Waiver of Indictment
WELLSWells Settlement Flag
WIRETAPSealed Miscellaneous Wiretap Case
WT2_NEEDEDWT-2 Form Needed in Sealed MC Case
XA_EXAMPsychiatric Exam CR

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